Nerd Street Gamers Gets A New Look
by Olivia Schaller--Updated
Confident, competitive, inclusive, energetic, and passionate. That’s who we are.
September 18, 2019 – It’s time our logo, graphic design, and the spelling of our name reflected those values.
Nerd Street Gamers has a new look. Although our legacy skull and crossbones will forever hold a place in our hearts, we’ve revolutionized what it means to be a Nerd with a new, sleek design that represents our unwavering mission:
To lower the barrier of entry to compete in esports. Nerd Street Gamers operates with integrity, confidence, and inclusiveness. We believe in building community in the industry while creating a better future for the esports community.
And, if you are a frequent visitor to our social media sites or Localhosts, you’ll notice a vibrant new design ethos that reflects our role of powering the esports industry.
We’re also changing the way we spell our name. We began as “N3rd Street Gamers,” a small community of dedicated gamers who founded the organization on the burgeoning North 3rd Street technology corridor in Philadelphia. But now, our reach is growing nationally, and we wanted our name to reflect that.
To reflect this change, but still remain true to our roots, our logo will use three horizontal lines instead of the “3.” The pronunciation won’t change. We will always be N3rd Street Gamers in our hearts. But we are equally excited to now officially be Nerd Street Gamers.
We teamed up with AoE Creative, an agency whose background and reach in gaming and esports is unparalleled by any other creative agency, for a strategic approach to our new brand:
Nerd Street Gamers has a massive network of businesses focused on lowering the esports barrier of entry for everyone. The team has always operated with confidence, honesty, and friendliness. Our goal at AoE Creative was to also emphasize the professional, high quality, and inclusive principles NSG provides with all of their services; while sticking to their gaming roots and community building.
The Nerd Block logo was built to represent the brand’s values and community. The block not only represents the N in Nerd Street, but a top down look at a city block that houses multiple companies underneath its umbrella. The divide in the bottom right is a street cutting through the corner of the block. As with any block in any city or town, you need power to literally keep the lights on and operate. The Nerd Block lightning bolt is representative of the vital power source and heart of the street that powers all subsidiary brands within its infrastructure. Secondarily it represents a power-up which is iconic to gamers across any genre. Bringing the nod back to gaming and nerd culture.
A clear brand identity is crucial to the growth of any business. It helps define a person’s perception and gut reaction of a product, service, experience, or organization. Nerd Street Gamers provides all the infrastructure for up-and-coming gamers to grow and prosper within the industry. It was great for us to be able to help build that story through branding. We have nothing but high praise and amazing expectations for the future of NSG.
Some other things will remain the same with Nerd Street Gamers: we’re incredibly proud of where we’ve come from and proud to be a grassroots member of this awesome gaming community. The logos and re-design represent who we’ve always been: inclusive, passionate people who love gaming and want you to come play.
About AoE Creative
AoE Creative has a background and reach in gaming and esports unparalleled by any other creative agency. Our origin story is amid the initial spark of the competitive gaming explosion – with experts from top publishers and the most elite esports teams and companies. We draw upon years of experience of the good, the bad, and the ugly.
AoE harnesses the most up-to-date data to build game-changing, thought-provoking, unique campaigns and brands that stand the test of time – and know better than most what it takes to disrupt the status quo.
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